
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Super House of Bricks!

 Hi guys welcome or welcome back to my blog! So some people came to our school and the thing it was called was House of bricks. It was awesome. So it was like Lego. So here is my reflection. 

My favourite Lego activity was the mosaics because I could create patterns I wanted to and it was fun to spin it and see all of my work going all together.

My least favourite Lego activity was pass the bricks because when I tried building a house when it got to some year eights they started to just throw bricks at everyone's creations and kind of breaking our creations.

The activity that tested my perseverance the most was the tower because we had to get in a group and try and build the tallest tower out of Lego. 

The most challenging activity was the tower because when we tried to build it, it fell down and it was wobbly so we had to keep making changes to our tower.

 I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because we could work together and make it better and when we are stuck on something we tried figuring it out by trying something different.

Thank you for reading my blog.